Why creativity is a key skill to master?
Because we’re all creative. Because your ideas matter. Because nourishing your creative soul is feeling deeply alive inside out. Because unlocking one’s creative genius bring enormous benefits to everyday life, both in our personal and professional worlds. Because cultivating creative habits enhance your well-being & health, we need to master this skill!
Amongst the number of benefits, here are some main ones to remember :
Problem solving
Stress reduction
Continuous learning
Boosted confidence & self-esteem
Enhanced communication skills
Fostering collaboration
Increased flexibility
Presence & Mindfullness
Social connection
Promotion of emotional expression
For the past 20 years, I have been paid by major brands, institutions, startups & successful entrepreneurs to come up with ideas. While I still love challenging myself to find the best concepts for my clients, I want to give back & teach the world some of my secrets to cultivate a creative mind.
For the next 20 years, I am committed to connect 1 million people to their creativity. Thanks to the initiative #TheMillionCreativeTribe I’ve put in place : 1 corporate workshop + fees = 1 workshop for free within an inclusive community (diversity startup boosters and/or any network that need the extra help and accessibility to skills/knowledge).